Thursday 12 November 2015

Recent Works


  1. Still waiting part 3 of "The First"!

  2. Whooooooooah!!!
    I just discovered that Manic had posted these AWESOME TF pics at his blog! :O Wow M, you completely blew me away with all of these SUPERB pics man. From the breath-taking Lois Lane/SuperWoman TF, (I LOVE the outfit!) to Brad's fantastic 'Mindy Marvel' TF Again, the outfit is one of my favs!) right down to your legendary Savage She-Hulk 80s version, (That pink dress, who doesn't love seeing JW rip out of it!?) you have displaced once again my friend, the talent that roles off of your fingers when you create these kinds of TFs Manic. Thanks for sharing these here they are amongst some of your greates works ever done dude!

  3. Whooooooooah!!!
    I just discovered that Manic had posted these AWESOME TF pics at his blog! :O Wow M, you completely blew me away with all of these SUPERB pics man. From the breath-taking Lois Lane/SuperWoman TF, (I LOVE the outfit!) to Brad's fantastic 'Mindy Marvel' TF Again, the outfit is one of my favs!) right down to your legendary Savage She-Hulk 80s version, (That pink dress, who doesn't love seeing JW rip out of it!?) you have displaced once again my friend, the talent that roles off of your fingers when you create these kinds of TFs Manic. Thanks for sharing these here they are amongst some of your greates works ever done dude!
